China’s Hidden Monkeys

In Shangri-La, the remote mountains of southwest China live one of the most remarkable, elusive and endangered primates in the world. CHINA’S HIDDEN MONKEYS will give viewers their first look at the living link between monkeys and apes.

Golden monkeys (rhinopithecus roxellanae) exist only in China. Discovered in the 1890s, they were thought to be extinct until their re-discovery in 1962. Today they are one of the world’s most endangered primates. Due to the extreme isolation of their habitat, in China’s wildest and most remote mountainous regions, serious study of these creatures is still in its infancy. Central characters in some of China’s most beloved legends and stories (who can forget The Monkey King?), their extreme isolation protected them–until now.

  Documentary, Nature, Wildlife

clock2 1 episode; 60 minutes

calendar 2014

flyer Flyer

  Rights-Holder: Flame Media